Master Splinter

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Hello everyone this is my sixth post and it’s about Master Splinter. He is right in the middle up there. In the Nickelodeon 2012 version of tmnt, Splinter was a human named Hamato Yoshi and lived in a dojo of the Hamato clan and by the way it’s a type of ninja group. If you search it up on YouTube you’ll see different versions of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Master Splinter. There’s also another TV show where Splinter is a pet rat of his human owner, Hamato Yoshi.

You already know here that Splinter adopted those four turtles, named after four special artists, and trained them to be the next generation ninjas. Later when April was trusted as a friend he made her a female ninja. Then when Splinter found his long lost daughter and three seasons of Leo urging Karai / Miwa that Splinter is her father, she finally joins the family. I have some good news and bad news. The good news is that there is going to be a season five and more new episodes, Yay! Sorry just forget about that last part I am just really excited. Sadly from season four’s last new episode the turtles have to move on to season five without Splinter. Here is a cute picture of the turtles as babies from season five. I hope enjoyed reading this post see you soon.

Image result for tmnt season 5 pictures of the turtles as babies

Donatello Hamato

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It’s finally here the forth blog! Now that we have the last turtle here some info about him. Donnie is the third oldest out of the four. He is holding his bo staff right now too. At first he wasn’t very happy about keeping a plain old stick, until Splinter showed him that it has a surprise. He is also the tallest one in the group. In the episode, “Rise of the Turtles”, Donnie is first to have interest in a girl. Surprisingly the gir,l whose name is April, later becomes the turtle’s close friend along with a boy named Casey Jones. Donatello is the genius of the team because of how smart he is. He makes new inventions out of old junk, alien tech, and even trash. How gross is that? Donnie’s inventions turn out very useful when they go on missions. Fun fact, Donnie’s staff is about six feet tall. Donatello’s inventions are always a step ahead of scientists. He is also sometimes a bit chatty when it comes to talking about science. I hope this was very interesting to you. Thanks for reading my blog.

Mikey Hamato

Welcome back everyone! Here’s my new post that I promised to share with all of you. Now let’s talk about the one and only Mikey Hamato. This picture makes it pretty clear that he is the youngest of the team. Mikey is the most immature of the other three turtles, mostly because they’re teenagers. He is the wild goofball of the team. Mikey likes to prank his brothers, but mostly Raph, but Ralph will playfully teach Mikey a lesson for messing with him. In one of the episodes where the boys meet the Rat King, April took a stray cat to the turtles’ lair where Mikey adopts the cat and then it ends up turning into ice cream kitty. Mikey is very fond of naming things including their enemies. He also has different bonds with the other turtles. Leo and Mikey don’t really argue much since they both respect each other. Raph and Mikey fight mostly in a playful way, like you would with your brother or sister. Donnie and Mikey only argue because of their differences. Fun fact: Mikey is the highest jumper of the team. You can find the story of why his mask tails are shorter than his brothers if you search up Tmnt fan fiction stories. Well I hope you enjoyed reading this bio about him. The last turtle next is Donatello so I’ll see you later.

Information from:

Raphael Hamato


Hi again, now that we’ve seen the first turtle, it’s time to move on to number two. He is the one and only “drum role please” Raphael! Okay, let’s make it fast because he’s not the talkative type. In the show, Raph is the muscle of the team. I almost forgot he is my second favorite turtle, but just don’t tell him that. He fights with his sais when he’s not busy slicing pizza with them. Out of all the brothers, Raph has the most attitude on the team, mainly because he’s a hotheaded turtle. In the show, if you pay attention to him, he is a big softy behind the angry face. Okay so um… here’s some fun facts about this turtle. In the episode of “Rise of the Turtles”, Raph has a pet turtle named Spike who will later on become Slash. Did I also mention that Raphael is scared of cockroaches and has a phobia of bugs. The little crack on his shell used to be bigger than it is now. It came from the time when the guys were all little turtle tots. In season four when the turtles and their friends went into Space to Save the Earth, Raph found the love of his life, a female alien salamander.  In the show Raph finally gets over his fear. Here is the link to watch to see the video. Thank you for reading this I hope you enjoyed it. Please stay around for the third turtle, good old’ Mikey. Have a nice day!

Leonardo Hamato

Hi, again! Remember my last post, so now I’ll introduce to the Tmnt characters. I’ll start with the main four.

First up is my favorite turtle Leo. In the show he is the eldest of his brothers. Leo is also Master Splinter’s star student and most skilled ninja. Leonardo is armed with twin katanas. He is the leader of the team. His favorite thing to do is watch Space Heros and train in the dojo. He has a weird relationship with Karai. Well until he found out she was their sister. That’s all a different story though. In all the versions of  this show Leo has one main goal of protecting his family. There you have it. That is all I can share about Leonardo Hamato from my fan girl knowlege. The next one is all on Raph. See you later!

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Tmnt is really short for ” Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”. This is for those who do not know much about tmnt. If you think that I am a fan girl, yes I am one. Let’s start with the four main characters. They are teenagers with different character traits.  Their names are Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey. They are all age fifteen partly because they were mutated by green stuff at the same time. The turtles are really named after four famous artists. They are Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo. Later I’ll introduce you a little more to the characters, see you later!




By October 24, 2016.  No Comments on TMNT  Uncategorized